As ever, autumn 2024 will feature several Mitchell Institute programs — all free to Mitchell Scholars — to help them make connections, form networks, and chart their futures. Here’s what we have lined up for Mitchell Scholars in the upcoming #morethanascholarship season:
The 2024 Mitchell Institute Gala: Sept. 20

Year after year, Gala guests tell us that a highlight of our main fundraising event is getting to interact with Mitchell Scholars and learn more about their goals and aspirations. That’s why we aim to seat at least two Mitchell Scholars at every sponsor table. Likewise, Mitchell Scholars who attend the Gala tell us they deeply appreciate the opportunity to make career connections with Gala attendees, who often offer help with informational interviews, internships, and first jobs. By the way, Mitchell Scholars attend Gala for free!)
MILE I Weekend: Early October

Designed for currently enrolled Mitchell Scholars, the Mitchell Institute Leadership Experience (MILE) I Weekend is held in early October at the New England Outdoor Center in Millinocket. Participating Scholars develop leadership and relationship-building skills while rafting the Penobscot, hiking to the summit of Mount Katahdin, completing a community service project within Baxter State Park, and making friendships that will last a lifetime.
On-Campus Receptions

Held annually in fall and spring, on-campus receptions are opportunities to introduce Mitchell Scholars to their campus leaders and resources — and help them build connections with other Scholars. The gatherings also provide Mitchell Institute staff with an opportunity to promote our broad array of programs and supports.
Fall Fellowships Application Round: Oct. 1–Nov. 1

The Mitchell Institute offers additional awards of up to $1,500 to Mitchell Scholars and Alumni to support their pursuit of career-related internships, professional certifications, study abroad experiences, and service projects. These investments, which Mitchell Scholars and Alumni can apply for and receive multiple times, empower them to pursue professional development opportunities regardless of financial hurdles. In 2023, the Mitchell Institute awarded nearly $99,000 in Fellowships to 83 Mitchell Scholars and Alumni.
No-Agenda Coffee Meetings

When Mitchell Scholars and Alumni have a question or two, the Mitchell Institute staff is quick to say, “A no-agenda coffee meeting could be just the thing for you!” Held virtually or at a place of Scholars’ choosing, these chats provide Scholars and Alumni with a chance to ask Institute staff a broad range of questions and learn about resources available to support their goals. Topics often raised by Scholars and Alumni include choosing a major, career exploration, and activating the Mitchell Scholar Alumni Network to leverage internship and career opportunities.